
Surdel Coffee News Advertising

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Newton Sept 9

Cloverdale Sept 9

Fleetwood Sept 9

White rock Sept 9

Surdel Coffee News Advertising

Surdel Coffee News AdvertisingCoffee News® is the most widely distributed restaurant publication in the world and has been hugely successful in helping small and medium-sized businesses nationwide create a strong presence in their community for over 29 years. We offer affordable print advertising in the areas we distribute to help grow your business.

We serve the Ladner/Tsawwassen/Tilbury Industrial Park, North Delta/Scott Road/Annacis Island, Newton, and White Rock/South Surrey areas. Eager readers in our local communities are well served by our fun, weekly publication. It makes your print advertising available to residents throughout these areas.

Fresh weekly issues of Surdel Coffee News® can be found in locations throughout the local community. Readers enjoy this free, fun, weekly publication in local restaurants, coffee shops, hair salons, professional offices, community buildings, and other local businesses where people have a few minutes to read good news and fun features while waiting. Our goal is to be “everywhere” within the community to maximize enjoyment for our readers and exposure for our local print advertisers.

Everything in Coffee News® is positive and entertaining, including unusual news stories, jokes, trivia, amazing facts, and horoscopes. Be sure to look for the What’s Happening section which is dedicated to listing local events taking place throughout our community. Have an non-profit local event to announce.

Surdel Coffee NewsCoffee News® is one of the most potent, yet affordable print advertising publications in Canada. It has grown from a single edition, first published in Winnipeg, Canada in 1988, to become the largest franchised restaurant publication in the world. With franchises worldwide, Coffee News® is now read by millions worldwide every week!

Coffee News® is one of the simplest and best advertising vehicles in the last 25 years!  Affordable Advertising rates far lower than other local print media options. Coffee News® accepts only one ad from each profession, trade, or service. Be the first to place an ad and block out your competition. Really lets you stand out!

Readers can pick up a copy of Coffee News® three meals a day, seven days a week in over multiple locations through out the  local area.
Your ad is always on the front or the back… never  buried in the middle!